Things I want to do before I die

>> Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I am the kind of person that wants to do a million things so badly.
For instance, although I knew before any of my peers what field I was going to be in when I grew up, I have been having trouble finding my particular route to where I want to go. I constantly question myself. I chose economics, but recently I've been wondering if I should have gone to med school after all. But that's not what this is about. My point is, for a person like me, who has trouble finding out what I don't want to do (because the choices are so unlimited), the smartest thing is to small by small, track down all the things I definitely do want to do. One day, we will all die. And it's easy to forget that in the hurried stress of every day life. It's important to stop and appreciate the now, and not procrastinate important things forever. After all , we might never get to do them before one day we are gone. And that I will not have. So...

1) Live in New York City
My mama lived there for years. I've grown up hearing stories, so that long before Sex in the city, I had imagined the streets, the taxis, the noisy ambulances and talkative New Yorkers.
Everytime I've gone there, I have felt right at home. The noisy crazyness is just right for me. You can make contacts anywhere, there is always something to laugh about, something to do, something entertaining, and always funny absurd experiences to be had. The diversity is just the right thing for someone as diverse as me. I love having all the world in one city, and I think what it would do for my personal development to live there for a while would be invaluable. I need to toughen up, and New York would do that for me.

2)Live in Nigeria
For many of the same reasons above. I want to experience living differently than what I have so far. I want the warmth of the people. I want to learn more. I want to enrich my life with both new people and new experiences, and expand my cultural knowledge. I want to increase my language skills.

3)Stare into the eyes of a wild mountain gorilla
Yep, you heard me. I've always wanted to climb the mountains in Uganda to experience a group of mountain gorillas hands-on. There is something majestic and mysterious about these animals. They are more intelligent than any other animals and as an animal protector and environmentalist, I have great humility for nature, and for the religious ones out there, God's creations. Being in nature makes me happy and the beauty of every creature and every plant reminds me of how blessed we are, and takes my mind away from the meaningless suffering around the world. I am a profound believer in the need of humility on our part (read: humans) - if not, we cause too much destruction. Staring one of these big guys in the eyes would be fascinating because I think I would be amazed by their intelligent and thoughtful stare, at the same time it would be very humbling. Sometimes, it's not all material things and our fancy technological lives that matter.

These are only three of many. Plenty more will come sha.

I changed my blog design by the way. Hope you like it. It's still not completely finished.


Good Naija Girl February 8, 2011 at 7:18 PM  

From a darkness to light...the change to your blog template. I like!

I've never even visited NYC so I'm very much looking forward to it, this year by God's grace.

It may be symbolic that your first three things involve traveling somewhere...

Isabella February 8, 2011 at 10:10 PM  

I love your blog design and I loved the last one, you inspired me to change mine hehehehehe and it has been changed :)

I want to live in nigeria too and US :) I was just thinking of that today.

Jennifer A. February 9, 2011 at 1:26 AM  

Definitely love the new look. I like #3. Lol.

The Author February 9, 2011 at 8:16 AM  

The Tarzan/King-Kong syndrome, Ada?

I love the new blog template. Hope it inspires you to keep inspiring us regularly.

Rebirth February 9, 2011 at 8:56 AM  

nice.......brighter :)

I love New york but i don't think i can live there....i always enjoy holidays there but that's it...

Yes u should come to Nigeria for 6'll be awesome

Lol @ no 3.....i am actually looking forward to going to Kenya hopefully work will let me visit the Safari and see wild animals

Adaeze February 9, 2011 at 2:12 PM  

@GNG - well I should make sure of you returning to come visit me when I move, abi?

@Miss Flyhigh - FOllow your dreams! And I am glad I could inspire you. I did want to change the blog to a brighter look just because I believe in the power of thought and I need to be brighter minded, lol...

@Jaycee - I like am too :-p
I am so going to do it!

@ Nana - Na wah....Tarzan/King-Kong? Lol.. You talking like its some fetish. Its more of a fascination with evolution :-)

@ Funms - hmmm wonder why u say 6 months only. That is too small i think. U think I'd be scared to run away? lol.. I hope u get to see the wildlife too. My friends father lives there and she went this summer, she said it was amazing.

Giagerry February 9, 2011 at 9:54 PM  

LOL!! adaeze---stare into the eyes of gorilla??hheheheheheheh thats super funny!
lovely lovely template!!

Yankeenaijababe February 9, 2011 at 11:28 PM  

Love the new design so much better...great job girl, change is always a good thing, as long as it's for positive, feel ya

BSNC February 10, 2011 at 7:35 AM  

hahaha that is something only you would say. Stare at gorillas. wow you have never lived in Nigeria. I am curious about the 4 countries you are from. I know there is Nigeria, so what about the other three? heheh trying my luck here.

Myne February 11, 2011 at 8:52 PM  

Stare into the eyes of a wild mountain gorilla? Hmmm....

I actually thought you grew up in Nigeria.

Molara Brown February 17, 2011 at 6:22 PM  

From darkness to light...I actually prefer the dark colour.

Staring in the eyes of a Gorilla, that is some adventurous spirit you have got.

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